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Leicester Square Theatre

Leicester Square Theatre

Leicester Square Theatre

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Sh*t-Faced Showtime - A Pissedmas Carol

Vstupenky na: Sh*t-Faced Showtime - A Pissedmas Carol

Sh*t-Faced Showtime - A Pissedmas Carol

Od 575 Kč

Toto je zcela nový produkt v naší nabídce. Své vstupenky můžete rezervovat již nyní, a to zde. Bližší informace o produktu budou brzy k dispozici.

The professional pissheads at Shit-faced Showtime return with their smash-hit festive boozical! This Christmas they're bringing you Dickens' classic tale of Scrooge and his favourite spirits. Featuring a cast of professional West End performers with a single drunken cast member thrown into the mix each night, you can expect bum notes, botched dances and madness a-plenty. A new extended run back by popular demand, stuffed full of classic Christmas carols, drunken dames and over spirited - spirits, all before the clock strikes one! (Or whenever last orders are called!).  Shit-faced Showtime are delighted to present their all-new Christmas show, live and exclusive to the Leicester Square Theatre. You’ll be haunted with memories for years to come.


Sh*t-Faced Showtime - A Pissedmas Carol

6 Leicester Place London WC2H 7BX


Zákaznická linka

228 880 877 228 880 877

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