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Arts Theatre

Arts Theatre

Arts Theatre

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Austentatious - An Improvised Jane Austen Novel

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Austentatious - An Improvised Jane Austen Novel

Od 986 Kč

Toto je zcela nový produkt v naší nabídce. Své vstupenky můžete rezervovat již nyní, a to zde. Bližší informace o produktu budou brzy k dispozici.

'Ridiculously silly… wickedly funny’ ★★★★★ The Times
'A joy to behold’ ★★★★ The Guardian The award-winning smash-hit comedy, as heard on BBC Radio 4, opens at the Arts Theatre. The all-star Austentatious cast improvise a hilarious new Jane Austen novel every night! Inspired entirely by a title from the audience and performed in period costume with live musical accompaniment - it’s a riotous, razor-sharp show where swooning is guaranteed. The revolving Austentatious cast include numerous, award-winning TV and Radio starring performers, including Rachel Parris (The Mash Report, Live at the Apollo), Cariad Lloyd (QI, Inside No.9, Griefcast, The Witchfinder), Joseph Morpurgo (Radio 4, Edinburgh Comedy Award nominee), Andrew Hunter Murray (No Such Thing As A Fish) and more.

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Austentatious - An Improvised Jane Austen Novel

6-7 Great Newport Street, London, WC2H 7JB


Zákaznická linka

228 880 877 228 880 877

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